Data & AI for Business Conference & Exhibition 2023


August 2, 2023


The Data & AI for Business Conference & Exhibition 2023 hosted by WA Data Science Innovation Hub (WADSIH) is a 2-day event which provided an invaluable opportunity to listen to a diverse list of speakers and panellists, all of whom, subject matter experts in their own field.

Curtin Institute for Data Science & ASDAF Booth

As a part of the Curtin Institute for Data Science and Australian Space Data Analytics Facility (ASDAF), I manned the booth and had plenty of opportunities to meet and engage with industry professionals and students within the data science and AI space.

CIDS Team: Paul Hancock, Calvin Pang, Paul Kim, Trish Radotic, Melanie Johnston-Hollitt, Leah Riungu-Kalliosaari, Christian Proud, Leigh Tyers

Maxwell Morris, Calvin Pang, Christian Proud
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